While oils are high calorie food there are also benefits of it. As compared to protein and carbohydrates, oils provide more than double energy. Where protein and carbohydrates provide you 4 calories per gram, oils provide 9 calories per gram.
Therefore, overconsumption can easily cause overweight and obesity. That's why most of us try to limit their consumption.
If you don't have a check on your oil intake, you can easily gain weight and weight gain can cause many diseases and poor shape of your body.
But, it does not mean that you don't have to consume oil at all. There are also benefits of oils, one of which is that they provides you vitamin E.
The amount of vitamin E in oil depends on it's variety and type. Some oils contain large amount of vitamin E while others does not contain that much vitamin E.
Are Oils Really A Good Source Of Vitamin E
Yes, oils are a good source of vitamin E but different types of oils contains different amount of vitamin E.
Below is given a list of 5 best foods that contain vitamin E. Out of these 5, three are oils of different types.
1. Wheatgerm Oil
Just 1 table spoon of wheatgerm oil provides 135% DV (Daily Value) or 20.3 mg (milligrams) of vitamin E so, it is the best source of vitamin E and occurs on the top of the list of foods that contain vitamin E.
2. Sunflower Seeds
1 ounce of dry roasted sunflower seeds provide 49% DV or 7.4 mg therefore, sunflower seeds occurs on the 2nd number on the list of foods that contain vitamin E.
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3. Almonds
Almonds are a commonly consumed food. But did you know, that they are also a good source of vitamin E. 1 ounce of them provides 45% DV or 6.8 mg.
4. Sunflower Oil
1 tablespoon of sunflower oil provides 37% DV, or 5.6 mg so, it's the top 4rth source of vitamin E.
5. Safflower Oil
Among top 5 foods that contain vitamin E, three of the source of vitamin E are oil. 1 tablespoon of safflower oil provides 31% DV or 4.6 mg.
Oils are a high-calorie food and therefore must not be overconsumed as it can lead to weight gain but, they are also a good source of vitamin E. Among best 5 foods that contain vitamin E, three of them are oils. Amount of vitamin E depends upon the type of oil. Wheatgerm oil occurs on the top of list of foods that contain vitamin E and therefore is the best source while sunflower and safflower occurs on 4rth and 5th number respectively and therefore they are also a good source of vitamin E. Other than oils, sunflower seeds and almonds are on the 2nd and 3rd number respectively. If you are on a weight loss diet or low-fat diet, then you can have vitamin E deficiency because vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin and therefore fatty or oily foods contains this vitamin.