Examples of processed foods are discussed here. These foods are becoming an increasingly common part of modern diet but these foods are loaded with unhealthy ingredients including additives and preservatives.
Below are 10 most common examples of processed foods you should avoid.
Top 10 Most Common Examples Of Processed Foods You Should Avoid
1. Sweetened Beverages
Sweetened beverages such as soda and fruit juices are some of the most unhealthy and highly processed beverages available in the markets. Because these beverages contains high amount of sugar and calories therefore drinking these beverages have been associated with an increased risk of overweight, obesity, and heart diseases.
Also learn about foods good for the health of heart.
2. Packaged Snacks
Packaged snacks such as cookies, chips, and crackers are also examples of processed foods because they contains high amount of artificial colors and flavors, refined carbs and trans fat. Therefore those individuals who consume packaged snacks are at increased your risk of obesity and heart problems.
3. Fast Food
For many people fast food is a very convenient option but it is loaded with unhealthy ingredients including trans fat, sodium, and refined carbs. Studies suggests that those individuals who eat fast food more than twice a week are more likely to become obese and develop type 2 diabetes.
4. Deli Meat
Deli meat are referred to as cooked meat that are mostly sliced to be used in sandwiches and burgers such as ham, bacon and sausages. They contains high amount of salt and preservatives. Deli meat is one of the examples of processed foods to avoid because they have been linked with increased risk of heart diseases.
5. Frozen Dinners
According to one study, frozen dinners provides more than 50% of recommended daily intake of sodium. They are also loaded with refined carbs and trans fat which makes them an unhealthy option for you.
6. Margarine
Margarine is a very popular alternative to butter but it is also an unhealthy option because margarine is high in trans fat. Trans fat is not good for your health and excess intake leads to heart diseases.
7. Processed Meat
It includes hot dogs, bacons, and sausages are high in sodium, salt, preservatives, and unhealthy fats. They are also examples of processed foods but you must be wondering what's the difference between deli meat and processed meat. Processed meat is like a more broader category and it includes deli meat while deli meat is like a subcategory of processed meat.
8. Candies And Sweets
Some studies suggests that people wo eat large amount of candies and sweets are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Candies and sweets are loaded with added sugars, artificial colors and flavors.
9. White Bread
White bread is a staple food in many households but is included in the examples of processed foods because it is high in refined carbs. Studies suggests that consuming high amount of refined carbs have been linked with an increased risk of obesity and heart problems.
10. Breakfast Cereals
Some breakfast cereals contains added sugars, artificial flavors, colors and refined carbs. One study suggests that some breakfast cereals contains as much sugar as a candy bar.
So, no doubt these foods are convenient but before buying check the label first.