Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that involves eating for alternative periods and fasting. In recent years, this eating pattern has gained popularity due to it's various health benefits including weight loss and improved energy levels. This practice has also been linked with reduce risk of chronic diseases.
Intermittent Fasting
If you have heard of this practice for the first time or if you are new to it, this beginner's guide will provide you all the information you need to get started.
What is Intermittent Fasting ?
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that involves alternative periods of eating and fasting. As it involves alternative periods of fasting so, fasting duration is not constant but it varies depending on the type of fasting you choose to do. Some people choose to do fasting of 16 hours and eat during 8 hours only, while some people fast for 24 hours (1 whole day) once or twice a week.
What are the Methods of Intermittent Fasting ?
This practice can be done in many ways but the most common and popular methods includes:
1. 16/8 Method
This eating pattern involves fasting for 16 hours and eating for an 8 hours window.
2. Eat-Stop-Eat-Method
This method involves fasting for whole 24 hours once or twice a week.
3. 5:2 Diet
In this method, you have to restrict calories to 500-600 for two days of the week and eating normally for the remaining five days.
4. Alternative Day Fasting
As the name suggest, in this method, you have to fast every other day and eating normally on non-fasting days.
What are the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting (IF)?
1. Weight Loss
Fasting can help you in burning fat and preserving
muscle mass therefore IF helps you in weight loss by reducing your calorie-intake and improving your metabolism.
2. Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases
Some studies suggest that IF lowers the risk of chronic diseases including cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart diseases.
3. Improved Levels of Energy
While fasting can help you in weight loss, alternative period of eating during IF stabilize your blood
sugar levels and therefore improves your level of energy.
How to Get Started with Intermittent Fasting?
If you are new to this practice, then it's important for you to start slowly and then you have to gradually increase the period of fasting.
Here are some tips that help you get started:
1. Choose the Method that Best Suits you
Choosing the right fasting method is crucial because there are many methods of IF. You have to consider your schedule, eating habits, and lifestyle so choose the method that you can easily implement to get the best results out of it.
2. Gradually Increases Your Fasting Window
If you are new to this eating pattern then it's best for you to start with shorter fasting window and as you get used to it, then gradually increases the time duration of your fasting window.
3. Stay Hydrated
While you are at fast you are restricted to eat anything but you can drink
tea, and zero calorie beverages. So, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
4. Eat Fruits and Vegetables
While you are not fasting it's important to eat nutrient dense food and fruits and
vegetables are best examples of it. Also try to eat healthy fat, lean protein, whole grains and avoid eating
processed foods.
5. Avoid Overeating
Start with a small meal when you break fast and gradually increases your portion size but try not to overeat.
6. Be Patient
This practice is not going to help you in weight loss quickly you have to be patient to see the results.
Although this eating practice has many benefits but it is not suitable for everyone especially those individuals who are suffering from medical problems and taking medications so talk to your health care professional if you are suffering from any medical condition before starting it.
Some people experience headaches, hunger, and irritability but these symptoms usually disappears as the body adapt to this new eating pattern.