Why You Should Never Drink Tea or Milk After Eating Eggs | Side Effect Of Taking Iron And Calcium Together

Drinking tea and milk after eating an egg whether fried, boiled, or omelette is a common practice. This combination is liked by many people and therefore is very common.

We have discussed why you should never drink tea or milk after eating eggs, and side effect of taking iron and calcium together.

The reason behind this is the interaction of iron and calcium together, we'll tell you in the most simple way.

side effect of taking iron and calcium together

Why You Should Never Drink Tea or Milk After Eating Egg  |  Side Effect Of Taking Iron And Calcium Together

There are two reasons that you should never drink tea and milk after eating eggs.
First, tea is made of milk and milk contains calcium while egg contains iron. Both of these nutrients should not be taken together because calcium hinders or lowers the absorption of iron in your body, which means if you drink tea or milk after eating eggs then the iron which eggs have just provided you is useless, as if it cannot be absorbed then it is not going to benefit you. This is the one side effect of taking iron and calcium together.
Calcium rich sources include yogurt, cheese, milk, soymilk, orange juice, tofu, spinach, turnip greens, chia seeds, beans, kale, broccoli, tortilla, whole eat bread and salmon.
Rich sources of iron includes oysters, dark chocolate, spinach, tofu, white beans, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, bread, rice, egg, broccoli, turkey, raisins, nuts, chicken, cashew nuts, potato, beef, tomatoes, sardines, and beef liver.
Now that you are aware of the sources of calcium and iron, try not to take them together as now you already know the side effect of taking iron and calcium together.
Secondly, tea contains polyphenols while eggs contain large amount of protein. When you drink tea, these polyphenols bind to protein, which egg has just provided and therefore protein is not fully absorbed.
Polyphenols lowers the absorption of protein by 17%, as it is not absorbed properly therefore deficiency of protein can occur in your body.
Mostly, we are not getting enough protein to meet the requirements and due to our practices, even the protein that we are getting is not fully absorbed and utilized by our body.

CLICK  HERE to know how to eat eggs for weight loss and muscle gain?


Drinking tea or milk after eating eggs is a common practice worldwide, but it is not healthy at all. It is costing your iron as well as protein. There is a side effect of taking iron and calcium together therefore they should not be taken together. Iron of eggs is not absorbed due to calcium of tea or eggs therefore iron and calcium together must not be taken. Moreover, polyphenols in tea bind to protein and therefore lowers the absorption by 17%. We have provided the list of calcium and iron rich foods so have a look at them and try to not eat them together. To avoid this problem, try to take at least 2 hours of break before taking second nutrient. This will make sure that one of them is absorbed before the initiation of other.

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