If you want to loss weight and gain muscle mass then you must be thinking which food should you eat to help you for this purpose.
There are many foods which can help you achieve this and eggs are one of them. We will tell you how to eat eggs for weight loss and muscle gain.
Boiled eggs without yolk are good or beneficial for weight loss. Egg yolks contain cholesterol in good amount equal to 62% daily value which is quite a big amount. Therefore if you eat whole boil eggs with yolk, then they are not going to help you in weight loss as they already contain what you are trying to get rid of your body.
Egg whites are full of protein and contain no fat and cholesterol and therefore are good for weight loss. In addition, eating boiled eggs without egg yolk can also increase lean mass of your body and therefore help your body look good in shape and gain muscles.
Due to high protein content in this food, body builders often eat boiled eggs in quite a big amount. Some even eat them raw, but it can be harmful due to two reasons.
CLICK HERE to read why must you eat omlette.
First of all, raw eggs often contain bacteria which is named as "salmonella". These bacteria are not good for your health and can cause food poisoning. Therefore, many people experience diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea after eating raw eggs.
If you must eat raw eggs then try to eat the ones which are pasteurized. Pasteurized eggs are easily available in market. As they are treated at high temperature for some time, therefore even if bacteria were present before, they are killed by heating after pasteurization.
Second reason is that raw eggs contain a protein named as "avidin". Avidin binds tightly to biotin also known as vitamin B7 in your body and therefore biotin is not available for it's function and it's deficiency occurs. This problem has only occurred in those people who eat about a dozen equal to 12 eggs or more per day for some years.
Avidin is denatured by cooking therefore eating cooked eggs does not cause this problem.
But, in gyms supplements are provided to help body builders in gaining muscles in a short period of time. These supplements are not good because they often contain large amount of protein and everything in excess is harmful. If you eat these supplements then your kidneys have to do more work to metabolize that protein which means there will be a load of work on your kidneys, which is not desireable at all, as this can lead to kidney failure.
So, try to avoid these supplements and switch to healthy food instead, it can be more time consuming and is a long term process to loss weight and muscle gain but it will not harm you and eventually will lead you to healthy lifestyle and strong immunity with a healthy body.