Are Oranges Really A Good Source Of Vitamin C | Vitamin C Foods List

Do you know vitamin C is also called as ascorbic acid. In fact, it is one of the most popular vitamin and almost all of us are aware about it.

Orange juice and oranges are one of the most popular source of vitamin C. Most of the people think that oranges are the richest source of vitamin C and no other food has more vitamin C than them, but it's not true there are many foods which contain more vitamin C than oranges or orange juice.

vitamin c foods list

Are Oranges Really Good Source Of Vitamin C | Vitamin C foods

Yes, oranges or orange juice, both are good sources of vitamin C but there are also foods, which contain more vitamin C than oranges.
Well, these foods are also commonly eaten and liked by most of us but we are just not aware that they also contain vitamin C.

1. Red Pepper

In vitamin C foods list, red peppers come on first number because they are the richest source of this vitamin. 1 half cup of raw red pepper provides 106% daily value of vitamin C.

2. Orange Juice

3/4rth cup of orange juice provides 103% daily value. Well! obviously orange juice is a good source of vitamin C but try to eat whole oranges rather than juice because whole oranges contain more fiber and less sugar as compared to orange juice. Orange juice also contains added sugars so it can lead to obesity.

3. Orange

Vitamin C foods list contains orange on third number. 1 medium orange provides 78% daily value so, eating 2 oranges provides 156% daily value, which is a big amount.

4. Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit juice falls on the fourth number in vitamin C foods list. Drinking 3/4rth cup of grapefruit juice provides 78% daily value, equal to 1 medium size orange. But try not to drink excessive juice as it can lead you to overweight.

5. Kiwifruit

1 medium kiwifruit provides 71% daily value therefore they are on number fifth in vitamin C foods list.

6. Green Pepper

Red peppers are on number one in vitamin C foods list while green peppers are on sixth number. Eating half cup of raw green peppers provide 67% daily value.

7. Broccoli

Broccoli are the seventh richest source of vitamin C. Half cup of broccoli provides 57% daily value and therefore broccoli is under the top 10 vitamin C foods list.

8. Strawberries

Half cup of strawberries provide 54% daily value therefore they are also a good source of vitamin C.

9. Brussels Sprouts

Half cup of brussels sprouts provide you 53% daily value and therefore they come on ninth number in vitamin C foods list.

10.  Grapefruit

Grapefruit juice comes on fourth number while grapefruit comes on tenth number in vitamin C foods list. Half cup of grapefruit provides 43% daily value.


Well! no doubt oranges are good source of vitamin C, but red peppers contain more vitamin C than oranges or orange juice. Oranges and orange juice comes after red peppers in vitamin C foods list. Other than these foods, among top 10 vitamin C foods, we also have grapefruit juice, kiwifruit, green peppers, broccoli, strawberries, brussels sprouts, and grapefruit. Fruits and vegetables are good source of vitamin C.

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