Have You Ever Heard About Vitamin A Foods | Vitamin A Sources

You must have heard about vitamin D and it's relation to sunlight. You must also have heard of biotin and it's relation to hair and must also have heard that eating carrots can improve eyesight but have you ever wondered why?
It's because of vitamin A in carrots that they are good for your eyes. 
Do you know what deficiency is? When you don't eat recommended amount of any vitamin then it can lead to deficiency.
Vitamin A deficiency is very common. The main reason for it's deficiency is that people don't know about vitamin A sources or vitamin A foods.
About 58% of women in Pakistan don't know about vitamin A foods but don't worry after reading this article you'll know about vitamin A sources. 
We will tell you about top vitamin A foods.

vitamin A foods

Vitamin A Foods | Vitamin A Sources

Here are top 10 vitamin A foods.

1. Beef Liver

Among vitamin A sources, fan fried beef  liver is the richest. 3 ounces of beef liver provides 731% daily value of vitamin A.
Among vitamin A foods, top one is beef liver, but if you don't eat it or if you are a vegetarian then don't worry we have other options for you as well.

2. Sweet Potato

Among vitamin A sources, sweet potato is the second richest. Baked in skin 1 whole sweet potato provides 156% daily value.
So, enjoy this rich in vitamin A food if you are a vegetarian.

3. Spinach

Among vitamin A sources, spinach is the third richest. Whether frozen or boiled half cup of them provides 64% daily value.

4. Pumpkin Pie

Among vitamin A foods, fourth richest vitamin A food is pumpkin pie. 1 piece provides 54% daily value.

5. Carrots

Among vitamin A foods, carrots are the fifth richest. This explains why they are good for eyes and vision.
Half cup of raw carrots provide 51% daily value of vitamin A and therefore 1 cup provides 102% daily value of it.

6. Herring

Among vitamin A sources, sixth richest vitamin A food is herring. 3 ounces of herring provides 24% daily value.

7. Ice Cream

Well! you must have been in the shock after reading this, but it's true. 2/3rd cup of french vanilla ice cream provides 21% daily value, so it is the seventh richest vitamin A source.

8. Cantaloupe

Among vitamin A sources, eighth richest vitamin A food is cantaloupe. Half cup of raw cantaloupes provide 15% daily value.

9. Peppers

Among vitamin A  foods, red peppers are the ninth richest vitamin A food. Half cup of red raw peppers provide 13% daily value.

10. Mangos

Well! the king of fruits "mango", almost everyone's favorite is the tenth richest vitamin A source. 1 whole raw mango provides 12% daily value.


Vitamin A is widely distributed in many foods but we are not aware of them. We have discussed 10 richest vitamin A sources. These include beef liver, sweet potato, spinach, pumpkin pie, carrots, herring, ice cream, cantaloupe, peppers and mangoes. These are the richest vitamin A foods there are also other vitamin A foods such as ricotta cheese, eggs, peas, apricots, broccoli, salmon, tomato juice, and yogurt, but these foods provide vitamin A in low amount as compared to the one's we have discussed.

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